November 2017

The Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan announces about the auction for the sale of the right to conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of forest plantations to small and medium-sized businesses which is planned to be held on December 5, 2017. Full information on the auction can be obtained by phone 221-37-42.

Preservation of natural forests at present is more urgent than ever. In the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Leskhozskiy secondary education school" in the Arskiydistrict, in order to attract the attention of the students to the need of forests reproduction with the help of seeds, an environmental campaignon collection of pine cones "Harvest of the Forest" was held. The schoolchildren of 1-11 formsparticipated there. In total, 1848kg of cones were collected. Think about this number. It is rather small in terms of arithmetic: but how many thousands, millions of seeds in these kilograms! The schoolchildren have made a significant contribution to the creation of forests of the future. Leaders among the forms were 1 form (307 kg), 9 form (190 kg), 7 form (351 kg). It would be great to continue this kind and useful tradition of collecting cones in the future.

Last weekend in Stolbischenskiy district forestry, in cooperation with the volunteers of the public organization, an ecological clean-up was held in the form of an exciting game - the quest "Traces of presence". By joint efforts in the ninth quarter of the Stolbischenskiy district forestry, about 8 cubic meters of solid household waste were collected by enthusiasts. This project is aimed at increasing people's awareness of the environment, and it allows the participants to contribute to the protection of the environment. We thank everyone for their active participation and indifferent attitude to nature!

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