April 2017

Seminar dedicated to the Day of Ecological Knowledge was held at the secondary school No. 3 in Agryz. The seminar was also attended by inspectors of the Kichke-Tan reserve. The goal of the seminar was to draw attention of learners to the problems of human interaction with the environment (air pollution, water, soil, forest fires, waste problems, energy and agricultural problems in Russia and in the Republic of Tatarstan).

In his welcoming speech the head of the state reserve Ahli Fayzullin has told: "The Day of Environmental Knowledge reminds us all about the need to remember the planet on which we live. This is the day when we should remember about the pollution of air, water and soil. May this day not pass in vain".

The game "Field of Miracles" was dedicated to solving environmental problems; in the game learners demonstrated their knowledge and erudition. Several teams took part in the game. For correct answers they got points and small leaflets with texts on environmental topics. The guys fought for every question, every point.The excitement of the game was heated with every minute. The environmental quiz was aimed at drawing attention to the problems of environmental pollution and the protection of flora and fauna. All groups coped with the task perfectly. During the event students also defended environmental projects: they talked about possible options for handling waste, explained what each of us can do to improve the current situation.A master class on weaving wicker fence was the most fascinating for children. The master class was given by a specialist of the first category Talgat Nuriyev. Also there were organized exhibitions of achievements of schoolchildren in environmental education, handicrafts from waste material and drawings.

Participating in the activities of the Day of Environmental Knowledge, the guys discovered a lot of new and interesting things. They got positive emotions as well. The most active participants were awarded with diplomas and prizes of the state reserve "Kichke-Tan". The school, as an active creative participant of nature protection events in the Agryz district, was given booklets and the third edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The regional ecological quest "Living Planet" took place in the Central Library of the Aksubaevsky municipal district within the Year of Ecology. 13 teams from different schools took part in the quest, and specialists from the Aksubaev forestry.

The objectives of this event were the promotion of ecological knowledge, the formation of eco-culture of children, growth of creative and cognitive activity of students, evolution of team skills.

The prizes and diplomas were received by all participants. The winners received a present from the workers of the Aksubaevsky forestry - the spruce seedlings. All the guys were satisfied, having get a lot of vivid impressions.

On our planet all living creatures live in close relationship with each other and the surrounding world: plants get nutrients from soil, animals need plant food, and a human needs both food and resources. If this equilibrium is violated in nature, an ecological crisis arise. Therefore the world around us needs our protection, and it requires knowledge. Getting knowledge in the form of entertaining games develops children's interest in ecology.

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