May 2017

Within the framework of “Gardens of Victory” campaign, in honor of Great Patriotic War veterans a school tree nursery was laid out in the territory of Burnashevskiy rural settlement.

VlasovValeriyAleksandrovich – a Member of “United Russia” faction in the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ziatdinov Marat Galimzyanovich – Executive Head of Verkhneuslonskiy municipal district, representatives of “United Russia” party, pupils and teacher of the local school initiating the tree nursery implementation, representatives of Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, local self-government and others participated in the ceremonial event.

Experts of State Public Institution “Volga Region Forestry” and State Budgetary Institution “Volga Region Forestry Enterprise” headed by I.I.Ismagilov – a Leader-forester, represented the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan.  For successful event organization the forestry and forestry enterprise provided with planting materials and prepared the ground for planting. The experts of forestry enterprise also rendered methodological and organizational support for the participants of this event.


A “Lesson of Forest” was held in Autonomous Non-commercial Educational Institution “International School of Kazan”; 60 students participated there. GibadullinNursilFoatovich – a forest guard, using visual aids told children about the forest, its role in nature and human life:

“Forest – is a powerful natural factor, affecting the most processes passing above the ground. It is the place of habitat for birds and animals. Forests provide with oxygen and keep the living on Earth. Forest – is a place of recreation, where we come in the hours of leisure. Wood materials may be replaced; living forest may never be replaced. According to UNESCO data forests are disappearing on the Earth at the rate of 29 hectares per minute. 1 hectare of forest takes in 10 tons of carbon dioxide in a season. Green plantings reduce noise level in cities by 20%. Forests “gravitate” water. In places with forests rain is falling, thereby irrigating grounds, bread and grass are growing for animal breeding. For comparison: In Sahara there are no forests, accordingly it is never raining there. By the way, the motto of International congress of foresters, held in India, was as follows: “Forest is water. Waterisharvest. Harvestiflife”.

In the course of the lesson the children got to know a lot about the forester profession and while playing reinforced rules of behavior in forests.

Installation of artificial spawning grounds in spring is one of the productive measures for increasing of fish stock in Kuibyshev water storage reservoir. Taking into consideration that mainly phytophilous fishes are inhabiting and spawning in Kuibyshev water storage reservoir, fishery biologists of Tatar department of Middle-Volga Branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution “Glavrybvod” focus on installation of artificial spawning grounds in Spasskiy district of the Republic of Tatarstan exactly for this type of fishes. Artificial spawning ground of “band saw” type, developed by Saratov department of GOSNIOKh (State Research and Scientific Institute of Lake and River Fishery) is made of close-meshed caprone webbing of 20-25 m length, 1.5 m width, framed along the edges oncaprone cord. Asubstrateofcapronethreadisfixedas separate bunches throughout the webbing. Past experience approves that survival capacity of spawn on such spawning grounds comprises about 90%, and spawning density is also higher comparing with other artificial spawning grounds. Prior to installation of spawning grounds, fishery biologists explored areas of Kuibyshev water storage reservoir which are the most suitable for installation of artificial spawning grounds. Environmental factors influencing on spawning and embryo healthy development, namely: temperature conditions, dissolved oxygen content in water, depth, flow velocity etc. were taken into account. In 2017 in the territory of State Integrated Nature Reserve “Spasskiy” on the bay of Kuibyshev water storage reservoir nearby “Tenishevskiy” island in the region of Bolgar city the experts of SINR “Spasskiy” in cooperation with fishery biologists and fishermen of Andriyanovs team (Individual Entrepreneur Podgornov) installed artificial spawning grounds in quantity of 5 thousand redds over the area of 2 ha (400X50m). Totally 27 artificial spawning grounds were installed. The spawning grounds were installed horizontally by 3 webbings in a bunch at the level of 1 meter below the water surface. Markers were fixed to each bunch. Spawning grounds installation was performed at 6-70 water temperature. In case of sudden fall in water level in Kuibyshev water storage reservoir, the artificial spawning grounds may be carefully moved to more deep water area; herewith spawn already lay in the spawning grounds will not be destroyed.

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