Birdhouses were hung out in Agryzskiy forest district

9 April 2018, Monday

In Agryzskiy forest district the foresters together with schoolchildren hung out houses for birds. After holidays specialists of the forestry district took the children to the woodland park "Oreshnik", which met everyone brightly as in spring.

A walk to the forest for children of the fourth form of school No. 4 of Agryz town was a real festival. Feed boxes and birdhouses made by schoolchildren together with parents were successfully placed in the forest avenue. The children were pleased not only by the cheerful singing of birds, but also by the pleasant cares of them.

"To love nature means not only to admire its beauties, but also to treat it carefully and productively," said V.L. Ishmuratov, Deputy Head of the forestry district.

The foresters had a conversation with the children about the importance of the forest, how to behave here and the importance of caring for green spaces. On this day, the children learned a lot of interesting things about the benefits of forests and birds. After the event, the schoolchildren received sweet prizes.

Let's remind, this year foresters of Tatarstan will hang 3,000 birdhouses.

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