We must take care and protect our environment ...

13 March 2018, Tuesday

The Arsk School Forestry Council organized a traditional campaign on waste paper collection. The motto of the campaign: "Collect waste paper - save the tree!" Members of the school forestry enthusiastically took part in this important action. Participating in the campaign, everyone takes a step towards nature. It is known that the average family throws in a trash can daily - a half a kilogram of paper, weekly - four kilograms of paper, a monthly - 15.5 kg of paper, annually - 186 kg. If 60 kg of paper collected as waste paper allows to save one tree, then one family in four months can collect the required amount of paper and thus save one tree. "Let the habit of handing over garbage accumulated in everyday life for recycling and production becomes a sign of the ecological culture of everyone. Thriftiness is profitable and comfortable! "- members of the school forestry invoke.

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