The number of school forest districts is growing in Nurlatskiy district of the Republic of Tatarstan

13 March 2019, Wednesday

Yesterday, on March 12, a regional meeting of school forest districts was held in the city of Nurlat on the basis of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution “Nurlat Gymnasium named after M.E. Sergeyev”. The event was attended by over 50 people from 6 school forest districts, 5 of which were created in 2019.

Young foresters were greeted by Rustem Galeyev, Head-Forester of the State Public Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Nurlatskiy Forest District” and Olga Tarasova, Methodologist of the Municipal Public Institution “Board of Education” of Nurlatskiy municipal district.

“Forests are the national wealth of our Motherland. In Tatarstan, much attention is paid to the conservation and enhancement of forest resources, ensuring their rational use. I hope many of you will continue the traditions of foresters”, said Rustem Galeyev, addressing the participants of the meeting.

During the event, certificates were given to members of the new school forest districts. Also, the guys presented their "business cards", talking about their associations and work plans for 2019.

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