The Precinct Forester of Zainskiy forest district held a lesson for pupils of the “Rucheyok” kindergarten

3 March 2020, Tuesday

The Precinct Forester of Kushnikovskiy precinct forestry of the State Public Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Zainskiy Forest District” Aleksandr Bychkov conducted a lesson for pupils of Starosheshminskiy kindergarten “Rucheyok” of the Nizhnekamskiy municipal district. During the lesson, Aleksandr Bychkov introduced the children to the most important ecological, economic and social functions of forests, the basic terms and concepts of forestry, as well as ongoing work to conserve and increase forest resources.

In addition, a quiz game “How to Behave in the Forest” was held. With its help, preschoolers consolidated their knowledge of the forest, learned about the main causes of forest fires and the rules of behavior in the forest.

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