In connection with the established dry weather and in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan “On priority measures for organizing forest protection from fires on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan in the autumn of 2020”, a set of measures for fire-prevention arrangement of forests is being carried out on the territory of the forest fund of the Cheremshansky forestry. “First of all, this is work on the maintenance of fire-fighting mineralized belts. We pay special attention to coniferous young stands and areas with the greatest risk of fire, ‒ said the head-forester Almaz Mutygullin. ‒ Also, fire-prevention measures are carried out by tenants of forest plots, land users, whose territories are adjacent to forest areas”.
Along with this, the state forestry inspectors organized enhanced ground patrolling of the forest fund of the forestry. “Patrolling is carried out along approved routes, 4 mobile groups are involved, ‒ Almaz Mutygullin added. ‒ We also carry out agitation and preventive work among the population to comply with fire safety requirements in forests”.