The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan "On restriction of citizen’s stay in forests and entry of vehicles into forests" was signed

21 August 2017, Monday

In connection with the establishment of IV and V classes of fire danger in forests on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan "On restriction of citizen’s stay in forests and entry of vehicles into forests" No. 2074-r dated August 19, 2017 was signed.

During the period of restriction it is forbidden to:

a) build bonfires in coniferous young forests, on burnt areas, in damaged forest areas, peat bogs, in cuttings (on cutting areas), not cleared of logging residues and harvested wood, in places with dried grass, and under tree crowns. In other places, fires are allowed on sites separated by fire-fighting mineralized (that means cleared to the mineral soil layer) with a width of at least 0.5 meters. After the burning of felling residues or fire for other purposes is completed, the fire must be carefully covered with ground or flooded with water until the combustion is stopped completely;

b) throw burning matches, cigarette butts and hot ash from smoking pipes, glass (glass bottles, cans, etc.);

c) use wads from combustible or smoldering materials at hunting;

d) leave oiled or impregnated with gasoline, kerosene or other combustible materials (paper, cloth, cottonwood, cotton, etc.) in places not specially provided for this purpose;

e) fuel the fuel tanks of internal combustion engines when the engine is operating, use machines with a faulty engine power system, and smoke or use open fire near fueled vehicles;

f) perform work with open fire on peat bogs.

People owning, using and (or) disposing the territory adjacent to the forest, ensure its clearing from dry grassy vegetation, stubble residues, fallen ashes, felling residues, garbage and other combustible materials on a line not less than 10 meters from the forest, or separate the forest with a fire-fighting mineralized strip with the width of not less than 0.5 meters or other fire barrier.

Citizens staying in the forests are obliged to:

a) comply with fire safety requirements in forests

b) when forest fires are detected, notify immediately by phone 8-800-100-94-00

c) upon detection of a forest fire take measures to extinguish it by own forces before the arrival of the fire-fighting forces;

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