Mass plantings of trees were held in Alkeyevskiy municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan as part of the All-Russian campaign “Save the Forest”

4 October 2019, Friday

Today, mass plantings of trees as part of the All-Russian campaign “Save the Forest” were held in Alkeyevskiy municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan. In total, State Budgetary Institution of RT “Alkeyevskiy Forestry Enterprise” allocated more than 1 thousand pieces of large-sized planting material for landscaping organizations and rural settlements, including mountain ash - 500 pcs., linden - 250 pcs., birch - 250 pcs.

The campaign was actively attended by pupils of the “Lesoviki” school forest district of Bazarno-Matakskaya Gymnasium named after Nabi Dauli of Alkeyevskiy district and pupils of secondary schools of Bazarnye Mataki village. By their forces, the territory of the memorial to the home-front workers and the ski base was landscaped.

Trees were also planted in the spring territory in Bazarnye Mataki village. The campaign was joined by teachers and pupils of Staro-Matakskaya secondary school, as well as residents of the Abdul-Salman village. A total of 40 pieces of rowan and linden seedlings were planted.

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