Students of MBOU Khasanshaikhsky secondary school got acquainted with the work of the Arsky forestry

16 October 2020, Friday

Students of 5-6 grades MBOU Khasanshaikhsky secondary school Arsky district visited the Surnarsky district forestry of the Arsky forestry. The excursion for the children was led by Ilsiyar Salyamova, an engineer on forest management of the State Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Arsky forestry”.

The schoolchildren examined the basic forest nursery, forestry equipment, visited the Forest Museum of the Arsky forestry enterprise and the natural monument of regional significance “The sources of the Kazanka River”.

Within the framework of the meeting, Ilsiyar Salyamova told the students about the forest, animals and birds living in the forests, the movement of school forestries of the republic, as well as the rules of fire and sanitary safety in the forest.

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