About 100 specialists of the forestry industry of Tatarstan will take advanced training courses in 2021

20 January 2021, Wednesday

The Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan pays special attention to the formation and improvement of the personnel potential of the industry. The priority areas of personnel policy are vocational training, retraining, advanced training of employees in educational organizations, creating conditions for the disclosure of their skills and abilities and promoting professional growth.

According to the work plan of the Ministry, in 2021, about 100 people will take advanced training courses. These are state civil servants of the Ministry, employees of forestry and forestry enterprises of the republic.

The training will be organized on the basis of the FAU DPO “All-Russian Institute for Advanced Training of Executives and Forestry Specialists”, GBPOU “Lubyanka Forestry College”, the Higher School of State and Municipal Administration of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, etc.

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