The head of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan Ravil Kuzyurov addressed with a welcoming speech to the participants of the “Victory Dictation”

29 April 2021, Thursday

Today the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan Ravil Kuzyurov visited the MBOU “Secondary School No. 31” of the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan. Upon arrival, the minister took part in the action “Star of Victory” and got acquainted with the exposition of the school literary museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil “Courage will remain for centuries”.

After that, the head of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan addressed with a welcoming speech to the students - participants of the International Historical Dictation on the theme of the events of the Great Patriotic War – “Victory Dictation”.

“Today, “Victory Dictation” will be written by thousands of people of different ages, professions from all corners of our country and abroad, - said Minister Ravil Kuzyurov. - Of course, the main thing is not to score the highest number of points. After all, the main goal of “Victory Dictation” is to preserve the memory of the years of the Great Patriotic War, the exploits of front-line soldiers and home front workers.”

“The memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, unbending will, heroism, courage and fortitude of those who fought on the fields of war and those who selflessly worked in the rear should be passed on from one generation to another and cherished in every family. This is our way to pay tribute to our deep respect and sincere gratitude to our heroes, - added Ravil Kuzyurov. - I wish you all success.”

The international historical dictation on the events of the Great Patriotic War – “Victory Dictation” is being held for the third time. More than 8.5 thousand people are expected to write it in the Republic of Tatarstan. 160 sites were organized, incl. 145 - in educational institutions.

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