The district forester of the Tetyushsky forestry congratulated the veteran of the forest industry Irek Gatin on his 85th anniversary

5 August 2021, Thursday

Today, the district forester of the Klyarinsky district forestry of the GKU RT "Tetyushsky forestry" Ilyas Askarov visited the veteran of the forestry industry Irek Gatin and congratulated him on his 85th birthday. Ilyas Askarov presented Irek Gayazovich with a gift and wished him good health, prosperity, and long life.

Gatin Irek Gayazovich was born on August 5, 1936 in the village of Serzhilaya Shentala, Chistopol region. Has over 40 years of experience in the industry. For most of his life, Irek Gatin worked in the Tetyushsky forestry enterprise. He worked as a forest foreman, assistant forester, and forester, after retirement - a foreman in a wood processing workshop.

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