About 100 specialists of the forest industry of Tatarstan will take refresher courses in 2022

21 January 2022, Friday

The Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan pays special attention to working with personnel. “The policy being implemented is aimed at professional training, retraining, advanced training of specialists in educational institutions, creating conditions for the disclosure of their skills and promoting professional growth,” said Elvira Ziyatdinova, head of the civil service and personnel sector of the Ministry. “It is expected that about 100 people will take advanced training courses in 2022. These are state civil servants of the Ministry, employees of forestries, and forestries of the republic.”

According to Elvira Ziyatdinova, the training will be organized based on the All-Russian Institute for Advanced Training of Managers and Forestry Specialists, Lubyanka Forestry College, the Higher School of State, and Municipal Administration of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, etc.

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