Today in the village of Lubyany, Kukmorsky municipal district, a joint off-site meeting of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on ecology, environmental management, agro-industrial, and food policy, and the Expert Council under the committee was held, which considered the implementation of the regional project “Preservation of forests in the Republic of Tatarstan”, draft republican laws on support for horticulture, increasing the fertility of agricultural land. The meeting was attended by the chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on ecology, nature management, agro-industrial, and food policy Azat Khamaev, the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan Ravil Kuzyurov, the head of the municipal district Sergey Dmitriev, representatives of relevant departments and the Tatar environmental inter-district prosecutor's office.
Before the start of the meeting, the deputies visited quarter 89 of the Lubyanka forestry, where they inspected the plots with created forest cultures and assessed the progress of agrotechnical care. Representatives of the economy told the participants of the meeting about the ongoing work within the framework of the regional project “Preservation of forests in the Republic of Tatarstan”.
While visiting the Lubyanka Forestry College, the deputies were interested in the conditions of education, the history of the educational institution, and the prospects for forestry professions. In the landscape design workshop, they talked with the masters of the college and the participants of the WorldSkills championship of professional skills. They were also presented with the progress of students' educational practice in the disciplines “Taxation” and “Geodesy”. This academic year, 320 students are studying here in four specialties. For 100 years of work of the educational institution, more than 10 thousand specialists have become its graduates.
Then the deputies toured the exhibition of silvicultural and fire-fighting equipment, organized by the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The joint meeting of the Committee on Ecology, Nature Management, Agro-Industrial, and Food Policy and the Committee's Expert Council, which took place in the library of the Lubyanka Forestry College, was chaired by the committee's chairman Azat Khamaev.
Having greeted the deputies of the State Council, the head of the Kukmorsky municipal district, Sergey Dmitriev, noted that the village of Lubyany is of particular importance for the district. Being one of the centers of the forestry industry, the settlement is going through a time of renewal and development, much attention is paid to the issues of improvement, road construction, and water supply.
Minister of Forestry Ravil Kuzyurov thanked the deputies of the State Council for their attention to the development of the industry. “The state of the forest greatly affects the cleanliness of the environment,” he said. “Therefore, special attention is paid to this direction in Tatarstan. A unified republican forest fund is being created. With the support of the President of the Republic, the industry is developing steadily. Thanks to the parliamentarians for their comprehensive assistance in the legislative support of our work.”
Ilgizar Zaripov, First Deputy Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan, presented information on the implementation of the regional project “Preservation of Forests in the Republic of Tatarstan” of the federal project “Preservation of Forests” of the national project “Ecology” and the norms of forest legislation in the republic. According to him, the total area of the republic's lands occupied by forests is 1 million 269 thousand hectares, the forest cover index is 17.5%. The average age of plantings is 54 years. The main goal of the regional project is to ensure a 100% balance of deforestation and reforestation by 2024. In 2021, within the framework of the project, work was carried out on reforestation and afforestation on an area of 4210 hectares, 40.2 thousand seeds of the main forest-forming species were harvested, 34.1 million pieces of standard planting material were grown in 51 basic forest nurseries, including coniferous species - 25.5 million, hardwoods - 7.9 million and shrubs - 0.7 million.
Much attention in the Republic of Tatarstan is paid to protective afforestation as a way to protect agricultural land, soil, roads, canals, settlements, enterprises, and other objects from adverse natural phenomena and man-made impacts. In 2021, protective forest plantations were laid on an area of 1748 hectares.
Timely detection, extinguishing, and prevention of forest fires on the territory of the forest fund is provided by 20 type II forest fire stations at forestry enterprises and 5 type III forest fire stations at the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Forest Fire Center”. Type II LPS are equipped with 229 units of various equipment, and type III stations - 72 units of specialized equipment.
Having taken into account the presented information, the parliamentary committee adopted several recommendations to the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan and municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Then, at the committee meeting, amendments to the draft laws of the Republic of Tatarstan “On certain issues in the field of horticulture and horticulture for their own needs in the Republic of Tatarstan” and “On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On the fertility of agricultural land”, which were received during the preparation of the second reading. As a result of the discussion, the committee decided to recommend to the State Council consider the bills in the second and third readings.
Materials of the press service of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan were used