On the territory of the forest fund of the Aznakaevsky forestry, work is being carried out to clean up illiquid wood. “The purpose of this type of event is to improve the sanitary condition of the forest fund, prevent the appearance of forest pests and reduce the risk of forest fires,” said Eduard Chikurov, director of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Aznakaevsky forestry”. “Currently, work is underway in quarter 126 of the Jalil district forestry, 5 people are involved.”
According to him, in total this year the harvesting of illiquid wood will be carried out on an area of 60 hectares.
For reference. Illiquid wood is wood that cannot be used for economic purposes due to the loss of technical qualities due to rot damage, as well as as a result of fires and other natural disasters. Illiquid wood harvesting is carried out in places where windblows, windbreaks, snow breaks, crown fires, and other damages are formed in the presence of illiquid wood more than 90% of the total stock of dead trees.