Venera Efremenkova, Deputy Director of the branch of FBU “Roslesozashchita” “Forest Protection Center of the Republic of Tatarstan” held a lesson for pupils of the school forestry “Lesovichok” MBOU “Secondary School No. 4” of the Zelenodolsky region.
The topic of conversation was the protection of forests. Students updated their knowledge about abiotic, biotic, and anthropogenic factors that cause the weakening and death of forests, saw photographic materials made in the course of state forest pathological monitoring, demonstrating windblows and windbreaks caused by hurricane winds, plantations affected by drought, from a sharp change in groundwater and other climatic reasons.
Venera Efremenkova also spoke in detail about ongoing regular and selective ground-based observations of the sanitary and forest pathological state of forests, accounting for pests, etc.
In the end, a quiz was held, during which pupils of the school forestry answered questions regarding tree and shrub species, animal and bird species living in forests, and fire and sanitary safety rules in forests.